investment services near gaithersburg md

2nd Quarter 2018

Perhaps the most despised federal levy is the alternative minimum tax, which Congress passed in 1969 to prevent the loophole-savvy ultra-wealthy from shortchanging Uncle Sam.

Over the years, AMT’s reach expanded to include households with more than $200,000 in AGI (adjusted gross income) annually and two-earner coupes with children in high-tax states.

Under the new tax law, starting in 2018 the AMT’s damage radius is reduced considerably. This alternative tax calculation still requires some individuals to calculate their tax bill twice—under regular rules and then the AMT’s, and pay the higher sum. In 2018, though, a fraction of tax-filers will fall into the clutches of the dreaded AMT.

With the tax code rewritten, only about 200,000 tax filers are expected to be required to pay the AMT in 2018, way down from the 5.25 million, according to the Tax Policy Center.

Congress increased income exempt from the AMT calculation. This expands to $109,400 for joint filers, up from $84,500 and to $70,300 for individuals, up from $54,300.

The happy outcome is that the changes permit many more households making more than $200,000 to bid the AMT a not-so-fond farewell.

Brooke Wano, CFP®, CLU®
Financial Advisor


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Kim D

For over three decades, Financial Services Advisory has helped clients manage their money through good times and bad. We customize an individualized approach for every client looking to invest while focusing on protecting what you have worked so hard to create. When working with FSA, you will find our goal in managing investments to help you protect your wealth while growing it wisely.

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