Who is your Trusted Contact?
We’ve been with you through the ups and downs of life and the stock market. During that time, we’ve learned a lot about you – including the questions you tend to ask, your investment approach, and your overall personality. Given that, we are often able to detect any changes in your behavior – especially when it comes to how you make financial decisions. If we notice you’re not acting like yourself or you’re suddenly unresponsive to our attempts to get in touch, it’s important that we have a Trusted Contact – a family member or friend – to reach out to in case of emergency.
When would we call your Trusted Contact?
We would only reach out to your Trusted Contact if we are concerned for your well-being. For example, if after decades of being a conservative investor, you decide to shift your entire portfolio into something highly speculative, or if we feel you are being scammed, we would contact your Trusted Contact and notify them of what we’re seeing.
What would we share with your Trusted Contact?
Only our concerns. We will not share any account-specific information such as account balances. If you would like to give someone the ability to receive that information on your behalf, ask us about adding them as Power of Attorney.
As we meet with you throughout the year, we will be asking for names and contact information of your Trusted Contacts. If you want to beat us to it, give us a call now and we will update our records.
Kim Scott, CFP®
Financial Advisor